Ontario Thinks Business home
City of Ontario metal sign

Why Ontario?

The City of Ontario is the best place to start or grow your business.

Self-Serve Business Resources

Expedite your project more quickly with valuable resources for businesses.

Ontario already has a vast business infrastructure in place and City Officials continually work to improve the City’s pro-business environment. With a highly skilled workforce, reasonable lease rates, quality office and retail development, and more than 100 million square feet of industrial, manufacturing and distribution space, Ontario is the best place to grow your business.

Ontario offers a robust office market for corporate headquarters, large professional firms and high technology companies. Ontario offers a stable environment with lifestyle amenities, reasonable lease rates, modern facilities, technical amenities, efficient infrastructure and a highly skilled labor market.

A Complete Community

Ontario is building a “Complete Community” with urban lifestyle districts that create sustainable places to live, work and play.

Ontario Southern California Map


Square miles of community & commerce to live, work & play
Population - 2023
Population - 2040 (projected)
Jobs Provided by City of Ontario employers